(Affiliated to D.A.V.V. and Bar Council of India, New Delhi)
The Legal Voice of India is the yearly print journal of Indore Institute of Law; the journal invites submission from members of the legal fraternity on any topic relating to the area of law. The Journal does not restrict itself to any specific area of law, however, preference shall be given to such submission that relate to recent developments in the area of law.
The Legal Voice of India requests the authors to comply with the following guidelines:
1. Submission Heads and Word Limit:
Long Articles: 5,000-7,000 words
Short Articles: 3,000-4,500 words
Case Notes: 1,000-2,500 words
2. Originality of Manuscripts:
All the contributions should be the original work of the contributors and should not have been submitted for consideration in any other Journal. Any plagiarized work will be out-rightly rejected.
3. Covering Letter:
A covering letter must be attached with manuscript with the name(s) of the author(s) and address, designation, institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript and contact information (email, phone, etc.).
4. Fonts and Headings
• Articles should be in Times New Roman 12-point font and double-spaced.
• Main Title should be in full capitals, bold and centre aligned 16-point font.
• Sub-titles should be in sentence case, bold and 12-point font.
• Author’s names should be in small capitals and centre aligned 14-point font.
• Footnotes should be in Times New Roman 10-point font.
5. Abstract Submission:
All submissions must contain an abstract of not more than 350 words.
6. Anonymous Review:
To facilitate our anonymous review process, please confine your name, affiliation and biographical information to a separate cover page. Please include the manuscript’s title on the first text page.
7. Citation Format:
Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should conform to the 20th Edition Bluebook Citation Style.
8. Copyright:
The contributions presented to and accepted for publication and the copyrights therein shall be the intellectual property of Indore Institute of Law.
9. How to Submit:
All submissions are to be made via e-mail as MS Word Documents (.doc/.docx extension). Authors must submit their manuscripts to Managing Editor at
Authors who do not follow these guidelines may have their submission returned to them without being reviewed.