Code of Ethics

Guidelines on submission of work

1. Work or the Article has not been submitted or published in any other journal or the institutions
2. That the work is not under consideration elsewhere.
3. Copyright has not been breached in seeking its publication
4. The publication or the article has been approved by all the co-authors and responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out.
5. Maximum and minimum words are fix and the publication or the article of the writer/ author should not cross or extent the limitation that are being given by the journal

Duplicate submission / publication and redundant publication/ submission

Duplicate submission / publication:
This refers to the practice of submitting the same study in two or more than one journals or publishing less or more of the same study in two journals. These submissions or the publications can be nearly simultaneous or years later.

Redundant Publication/ Not Necessary:
This refers to the situation that one study is split or divided into several parts and submitted to two or more journals. Or else the findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission or justification which cannot be accepted or cannot be approved. “Self-plagiarism” is a form of a redundant publication. It concerns borrowing or taking content from previous work without citation. This practice is widespread and is not done intentionally. Transparency by the author or the writer on the use of previously published work usually provides the necessary information or the details to make an assessment on whether it is deliberate or unintentional.

Note: Translations of articles without proper permission or notification and resubmission of previously published Open Access articles are considered duplications or that publications or articles cannot be approved.

Duplication of text and/or figures (plagiarism)

Plagiarism occurs when someone presents or copy the work of others (data, text, or theories) as if it was his/her own without proper knowledge. There are different types of plagiarism.
The severity is dependent on various factors: extent of copied material, originality of copied material or position/context/type of material and referencing/attribution of the material used.
Every case is different and therefore decisions will be different as per the case and the situations.

The following listing is designed to make you aware of the various possibilities concerning plagiarism:

1. Exactly or same copying of another’s work and submitting it as one’s own is the form of plagiarism is wrong and that cannot be accepted or approved.
2. Exactly copying of significant portions of text from a single source or from any source but copying the same
3. Mixing copied material from multiple sources or from many source and copying it exactly (“patchwork copying”). This could range from 1 or 2 paragraphs to significant portions consisting of several paragraphs.
4. Changing key words and phrases but retaining the essential content of the source as a framework.
5. Rephrasing of the text’s original wording and/or structure and submitting it as one’s own.
6. Mixing slightly rephrased material from multiple sources and presenting what has been published already as new.
7. The work is cited, but the cited portions are not clearly identified. This can be combined or merged with copied parts of text without citation.

However for review papers the above is not directly approved. Review papers are expected to give a summary of existing literature which is made by the person’s own interpretation or hard work and it is not at all copied from any other’s work or sites. Authors/Writers should use their own words with exception of properly quoted and/or cited texts and the work should include a new interpretation.

How to correct the literature?

There are cases where it might be necessary to correct the literature in order to maintain integrity of the research literature. These guidelines will describe exactly that when and at which time what option is to be used.

Erratum / Correction – Journal Editors should consider issuing an erratum if:
1. A small portion or any portion of an otherwise reliable publication proves to be misleading (especially because of honest error)
2. The author/contributor/Publsher’s list is incorrect

Retraction Note/ Accusation– Journal Editors should consider retracting a publication if:
1. There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct or honest error or any other error.
2. The findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing justification
3. It includes plagiarism
4. It reports unethical research

The Article or the publication can be submitted/written by the author(s), Journal editor, Society or jointly by keeping in mind about the Retraction note that are been mentioned above.

Plagiarism prevention with Crosscheck

The legal voice of India is offering the plagiarism checker software to Journal Editors of legal voice of India journals to check an authored work against thousands of other published scholarly articles, books, conference papers, dissertations, other academic activities, and billions of web pages to ensure its originality. The web-based tool can be used in the editorial process to identify matching content but it cannot, on its own, identify or justify the plagiarism. Manual examination of the matching text is still required and judgment used is to identify if plagiarism has occurred or not.
Plagiarism detection at an early stage may be helpful to:
Educate authors and those writers who are less familiar with the ethics of publishing;
Reduce the workload for editors and reviewers if ethical issues are captured at an early stage of time.